Become An UMBA Member
Join UMBA and be part of this great community by helping us raise funds, create great events and helping people in our community. Whether you want to join as a family, a business or an individual, we look forward to you being part of UMBA.
Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 PM, usually at the Washington Crossing Inn, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.
There are two types of UMBA Membership levels for 2024:
Regular UMBA Membership - $350
One membership
Attend meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
Join one of the working committees
Membership includes dinner at the UMBA Meeting
Platinum Membership - $750
One membership and one alternate member
Member or or alternate attend meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
Join one of the working committees
Membership includes dinner at the UMBA Meeting for the member or the alternate member
10% discount on UMBA Rev Run Sponsorship